About this course

Rannveig goes through everything you need to start playing the diatonic button accordion: You will learn its history, how to hold it, and how to use both sides. Playing the Melody and Bass at th...read more
Rannveig goes through everything you need to start playing the diatonic button accordion: You will learn its history, how to hold it, and how to use both sides. Playing the Melody and Bass at the same time with some easy folk tunes will give you a sense of completion and start your journey towards mastery.

A G/C diatonic button accordion is used in this course.

Here is an article explaining the Chord & Button Helper used in this course.

Filmed by: Olav Luksengård Mjelva
Edited by: Jens Linell 
Rannveig goes through everything you need to start playing the diatonic button accordion: You will learn its history, how to hold it, and how to use both sides. Playing the Melody and Bass at the same time with some easy folk tunes will give you a sense of completion and start your journey towards mastery.

A G/C diatonic button accordion is used in this course.

Here is an article explaining the Chord & Button Helper used in this course.

Filmed by: Olav Luksengård Mjelva
Edited by: Jens Linell 

Teacher: Rannveig Djønne

Instrument: Accordion

Countries: Norway, Nordic

Regions: Hardanger

Musical forms: Springar, Reinlender

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About Rannveig Djønne

Rannveig Djønne from Hardanger in Norway is an innovative diatonic button accordion performer with a solid foundation of traditional knowledge. Starting playing when she was eight years she has now played the box for over thirty-five years and has studied at the Ole Bull Academy. Her main project at the Ole Bull Academy was to play Hardanger fiddle tunes from the area of Hardanger and Voss on the diatonic button accordion.
Learn more about Rannveig
Rannveig Djønne

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About the Accordion

The accordion is a versatile and expressive musical instrument that has played an important role in folk music traditions around the world. It was invented in Europe during the 19th century and quickly became popular among working-class musicians who were drawn to its portability and ability to produce a full and rich sound. In the United States, the accordion was especially popular among immigrant communities, who used it to play traditional folk music from their home countries. Today, the accordion remains an important instrument in many folk traditions, and its distinctive sound can be heard in everything from Norwegian "Reinleders", French chansons to Tex-Mex music.
Learn more about the Accordion