About this course

This is an introduction to the traditional fiddle music of Jämtland made by one of the best folk fiddlers out there: Kjell-Erik Eriksson. Not only a gold medal holder as a "Riksspelsman", an hon...read more
This is an introduction to the traditional fiddle music of Jämtland made by one of the best folk fiddlers out there: Kjell-Erik Eriksson. Not only a gold medal holder as a "Riksspelsman", an honour that is given to a select few, but he is also a Folk Rock God with his band Hoven Droven, a long-time teacher, and an incredible musician.

Jämtland is a county in the Northern parts of Sweden, close to the Norwegian border. The majority of tunes in the course are Polskas, and most are Lapp-Nils Polskas. He was Saami and his real name was Nils Jonsson (1804-1870), he influenced the traditional fiddle music from Jämtland more than anyone else. In this course, Kjell-Erik goes through the Jämt-style of play in Polska, Waltz, Schottis, and Snoa. He teaches melodies, second voices, and how to "Kompa", to accompany tunes with chords and rhythm on the fiddle.

Get into the mood of these tunes, springing out of the rolling mountains, deep forests, rivers, and lakes of the beautiful Jämtland, Sweden.
This is an introduction to the traditional fiddle music of Jämtland made by one of the best folk fiddlers out there: Kjell-Erik Eriksson. Not only a gold medal holder as a "Riksspelsman", an honour that is given to a select few, but he is also a Folk Rock God with his band Hoven Droven, a long-time teacher, and an incredible musician.

Jämtland is a county in the Northern parts of Sweden, close to the Norwegian border. The majority of tunes in the course are Polskas, and most are Lapp-Nils Polskas. He was Saami and his real name was Nils Jonsson (1804-1870), he influenced the traditional fiddle music from Jämtland more than anyone else. In this course, Kjell-Erik goes through the Jämt-style of play in Polska, Waltz, Schottis, and Snoa. He teaches melodies, second voices, and how to "Kompa", to accompany tunes with chords and rhythm on the fiddle.

Get into the mood of these tunes, springing out of the rolling mountains, deep forests, rivers, and lakes of the beautiful Jämtland, Sweden.

Teacher: Kjell-Erik Eriksson

Instrument: Fiddle

Countries: Sweden

Regions: Jämtland

Musical forms: Polska, Waltz, Schottis, Snoa

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About Kjell-Erik Eriksson

Kjell-Erik from Kaxås in Jämtland is one of the best traditional musicians in Scandinavia. He has been touring with Hoven Droven and Triakel alongside being a music teacher and an inspiration for scores of young folk-rock fiddlers.
Learn more about Kjell-Erik
Kjell-Erik Eriksson

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About the Fiddle

The fiddle, also known as the violin, has a long and rich history that can be traced back to the 16th century in Italy. The instrument was originally designed to be played in orchestras and other classical music settings. However, it soon became popular in folk music traditions around the world, including in regions such as Ireland, Scotland, the Nordic countries, and the Appalachian Mountains in the United States. The fiddle's popularity in these traditions can be attributed to its versatility and ability to convey emotion and tell stories through music. Today, the fiddle remains a beloved instrument in many genres of music, including folk, country, and bluegrass, and is appreciated for its beautiful sound and ability to evoke strong emotions in listeners.
Learn more about the Fiddle