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Folk Rhythm Tuesday #2 with Jens Linell

May 4th, 2021 from 20:00 untill 21:00 (CEST)

In this installment, we'll focus on the three-beat dance tunes like Polska, Springar, Pols, and Springleik.

Welcome to the second "Folk Rhythm Tuesdays", where we explore the rhythmical foundations of different kinds of traditional music as well as work on our rhythmical listening with exercises.

We'll look into the stomping, bowing, and phrasing in this tune type and how to approach this somewhat unique rhythm structure.

Taught by Jens Linell, the co-founder of FMA and a drummer who has played traditional Scandinavian music all his life as well short dips into different kinds of traditional music.

This is a series that will take place once a month. Here is an article about the course: New Zoom Series - Folk Rhythm Tuesdays

Check out Jens's course on Tambourine Techniques [SE] on the site.
Workshop replay
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  • Workshop ended

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